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Environmental Control Measures

The construction works will take the local area into consideration. By engaging with the relevant local stakeholders such as Dublin City Council and the Environmental Protection Agency ESB is managing the site and implementing suitable mitigation measures to ensure the development has minimal impact on the surrounding area.

Satellite view of Poolbeg, with 1 flefgen site outlined.Satellite view of Poolbeg, with 1 flefgen site outlined.
Poolbeg Map 1
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Environmental Control Measures

These mitigation measures include extensive monitoring of the site, monitoring factors including but not limited to the following:

  1. Noise Levels ( N1, N2)
  2. Dust levels (D1,D2)
Satellite view of Poolbeg, with 2 flefgen sites outlined.Satellite view of Poolbeg, with 2 flefgen sites outlined.
Poolbeg Map 2
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Monitoring Results

The construction works noise is monitored at each point by a Larson Davis Model Lxt noise monitor. This is an integrating sound level meter which measures the standard sound level parameters.

Dust levels around the site are to be measured by allowing dust particles to settle within Bergerhoff sample jars which are left exposed for a month at monitoring locations. The jars are then sent to a laboratory for analysis. The accepted limit for dust if 350mg/sqm/day.

Noise & Dust Monitoring Data

Contact Us

For further queries please contact Flexgen Project at the email address provided.

  • Address Engineering and Major Projects Dublin Airport Co. Dublin K67 XF72 Ireland